Archive for ‘Portfolio Tags’ :

McKinsey & Company: Campaigns

Client: McKinsey & Company Job Description: I was often tasked to design various collateral for large McKinsey campaigns, ranging from infographics in printed reports to various static and animated social media content. Graphics made for these campaigns would often be used at media outlets such as The Huffington Post, TIME, Fast Company…

August 2, 2017


McKinsey & Company: Infographics

Client: McKinsey & Company Job Description: During my time at McKinsey, I was often approached by the McKinsey Global Institute division to design infographics for their various reports and campaigns. Each infographic would be used in a print report and across McKinsey’s social and digital publishing channels. Date: 2015-2017

August 1, 2017


McKinsey & Company: Publishing and Social Media

Client: McKinsey & Company Job Description: Selected non-campaign exhibits for McKinsey’s website, social media channels, and the “McKinsey Quarterly” print publication. Date: 2015-2017

August 1, 2017


McKinsey & Company: Interactives

Client: McKinsey & Company Job Description: Interactive infographics created with Ceros. McKinsey recently started using this tool to create interactive content, and the full experiences (as opposed to the static screenshots shown here) can be found at the following links: 1. Mapping the benefits of a circular economy (desktop and mobile versions)…

July 31, 2017


McKinsey & Company: Internal projects

Client: McKinsey & Company Job Description: Selected internal projects for McKinsey: 1. GLAM (Gay and Lesbian at McKinsey) 20 year anniversary logo, to be used in corporate communication and event promotion 2. McKinsey Podcast logo and web icon for website and social media 3. “Ask the Authors” logo and web icon for…

July 31, 2017